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“Aenean mollis enim neque, et cursus tortor cursus vel.”

“Aenean mollis enim neque, et cursus tortor cursus vel.”

“Aenean mollis enim neque, et cursus tortor cursus vel.”

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Social Media Analysis

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“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”

Dan Anderson

Hemisferio’s CEO

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Sandra Casey

Marketing Consultant Expert

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Anastasia Riza

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  • Quick wins to increase customer acquisition, lead an sales
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  • We provide real, practical marketing advice
  • We report to you on a monthly basis what we have done
  • Watch as your business grows and expands from all the new leads
  • Processes are time-tested and field proven
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How can know yourself be helpful in my career selection?2020-12-31T12:25:52+00:00

The importance of selecting a career with which we find satisfaction is the most important part of our life. People who know what they want to in life are lucky enough but there are also many people in this world who do not know what to do in life and here actually works KNOW YOURSELF because when we discover who we are, it will become easy for us to choose exactly where to go. It is important to note that Psychological TYPE does not explain everything and at the same time it is also important to remember that Personality TYPE is about preferences, not about knowledge, and your abilities, which all should be considered in choosing a career path.

What do you mean by know yourself and what is its purpose?2020-12-31T12:28:37+00:00

Know yourself is an idea of Dr. Qamar-ul-Hassan. It is a technique to help people understand their Personality TYPE and how they can interact with others. This tool gives awareness of how you can approach different situations and audiences, and it not only helps to know what we want, also teaches us what other people want in life.

How can Know Yourself help me?2020-12-31T12:27:58+00:00

Know yourself can help you identify your personality and discovers your nature part of your personality. It enables you to explore what are your desires, your natural strengths, and your weaknesses. This Information provides an opportunity to learn more about your potential areas for growth. It helps you understand why you are you. It informs you how people are, the reasons behind their behaviors, and the way of their communication.

Who is Dr. Qamar-ul-Hassan and what are his services regarding the Personality type?2020-12-31T12:29:15+00:00

Dr. Muhammad Qamar-ul-Hassan is a pioneer and leading expert on ‘Personality TYPE’ and TYPE-based performance improvement solutions in Pakistan. He has 15 years of experience in helping industry leaders and aspiring professionals identify their Personality TYPES. He uses TYPE to teach us how we can lead a happy, healthy, and successful life. Dr. Qamar has had the privilege of providing TYPE-based innovative solutions to more than 50,000 individuals from Pakistan’s 70 leading organizations.

How can Know Yourself be helpful at work?2020-12-31T12:30:30+00:00

It will improve our Learning and understanding skills. It will help us in appreciating the differences each co-worker possesses. It will constructively help us figure out the differences among the personalities. Applying TYPE can move co-workers from provocation with differences to acceptance. Opposite personalities can complement each other and create a balance in decision making.

How can know yourself help me in leadership development?2020-12-31T12:32:12+00:00

The best leaders are those who can skillfully adapt their styles to meet the needs of not only the situations they encounter but the people they lead. Understanding your Personality TYPE and how it influences your thoughts, relationships, and behavior will help you become an excellent leader, and Know yourself will help you better explore yourself, strengthen your team management skills, and help you to relate to others.

How can I apply the knowledge I received from the course Know Yourself in business development?2020-12-31T12:33:23+00:00

The personal approach is a key factor in winning or losing your sale in business. Know yourself helps you focus your attention on your customer’s personal-approach and needs-with this knowledge, you can understand how customers are different from each other.
This way, you can build a relationship with customers by developing trust through modifying your selling to match your customer’s preferences and needs. It will help to develop a business by developing long-term relationships with customers and attaining their loyalty by maintaining quality and providing products that customers need.

How can the course Know Yourself help me with time management?2020-12-30T12:00:10+00:00

Self-management begins with knowing yourself. It’s a solution to improve time management skills. It impacts your preferences and your ability to manage your time. Knowing and understanding yourself better will help you consume your energy and recognize the time management strategies that are more likely to work with your preferences and requirements.

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