International Certified Personality Type Professional

Want To Build a Profitable Career In Life

Discover An
International Certified Personality Type Professional (ICTP) Program

Through Self Assessment That Will Fuel Positive Growth Towards Your Life, Relationship & Business
Figure Out The Blue Ribbon Approach With ICTP (International Certified Type Professional), Dr. Qamarul Hassan, To Live Your Life Like a Maestro by Becoming Personality Type Expert.
If you are a trainer, psychologist, life coach, career counselor, educationist, group leader, or a member of human resource department
This precious program is for you

Dear future brighteners!

Are you still trying to figure out the best approach to build a successful career goal in your life?

Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about…?

Why would it take almost 40 to 45 years of age to become a successful one?

Not only that…

But the thought of getting failure in life give you dread and hits you with overwhelming self-doubt.

And the other thing to worry about is you are not sure what to do next…

If you nodded to any or all of the above questions…

Then pay very close attention to what I am going to tell you…

I assure you that you are at the right place at the right time.

Because the opportunity that you will discover on this page will answer your burning questions and help you get rid of every confusion and roadblock. Sounds good?

Let’s talk about the Big picture on the wall.

Becoming a success in life is hard but not impossible !!!

Sounds controversial? Or almost outrageous?

Hear me out…

Life is not all about to think what to do next. And how to do it?

But it wants to focus on yourself first…

Because success demands first to make things more clear about your personality.

Are you thinking the same…

Yeah, Because…

It’s no secret that it’s your personality and your personality type which decides where to go next and how…

Let’s cut it to the chase,

Research shows that there are 16 personality types in human beings.

And everyone acts according to their personality type…

Have you ever wondered why certain personality types pull you in while others repel you?

That’s because each personality type is unique and different…

They all have different traits and natures according to their personality type.

Do you want to know in which category of personality type you fall?

Here is the 5 STEP MODEL TO KNOW your personality type in an easy and fastest way…


A game-changing, powerful combination of personality type model and International Certificate in a Box solution to help you build a thriving, successful life.

A training program that will make you 200% more clear about your personality type.

After knowing your personality type…

You will be more sure of what your career goal should be and how to achieve those goals confidently.

Why ICTP Personality-Type assessment?

This is the best tool to understand the framework for people development.


By training to become an ICTP Personality-Type certified practitioner, you will gain the tools to help others by improving their self-awareness and make differentiating between personality types.


You will also learn how to use these tools or frameworks of Personality-Types with the organizations and teams to boost performance levels.


Enrich your professional skills to help others with one of the advanced methods of organizational development, the ICTP Personality-Type assessment.


After this unique PERSONALITY TYPE TRAINING PROGRAM with Dr. Qamarul Hassan, wouldn’t you be able to…

  • Know yourself better than ever.
  • More organized about you and your work to do.
  • Know your goals more clearly
  • You are happy with what you are and what you have.
  • More creative and optimistic towards life.
  • Have a clear direction for your next steps to become successful.
  • To choose the best career according to personality type so that you can shine like the sun and calm like the moon.
Why do organizations use this personality type test approach to hire the best candidate for the desired position?


You probably already know the answers to this question…

This personality test is used to know what can a person perform better at a higher level according to the dominant personality traits..?

Let’s cut it to the chase…

It helps to get to know the real powers of individuals that god has gifted him…

To make his valuable part in the world and achieve something big.

What is the best investment than this to determine the talent to serve best?


Taking a high-quality personality test can give you long-term benefits in hiring the best candidate for a particular position for development purposes.

What are you thinking now…?

What will be the benefits of this consultation, then…

You should have a look at…

After having a Personality Type training program with DR QAMARUL HASSAN, you will achieve the following for a lifetime

Get yourself Registered now.

Let’s Talk About the Pricing… Shall We?

I strongly believe that the correct word is “investment” and not pricing because it’s nothing but a wise investment into building a successful path toward life, career, and business

Before I reveal the pricing, let me ask you a simple question…

How much will you pay for a training program that will not only give clear goals about life but also address the qualities you have to win success?

This is an incredible price to know that you only have to pay $1500 for this life-changing consultation call.

Don’t you think this is a very fair price..?

If you think so…

Then what are you waiting for? Just grab your call session now.

Dr. Qamar

Personality TYPE Expert (MBTI)

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